Short Dive Into: Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana | Intermediate Iyengar Yoga Practice | Claudia
7,99 € | Einzelticket |
70,00 € | 10er card | Claudia´s Videos |
140,00 € | 10er card | 90 Min | Claudia |
Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana is a standing forward bend with one leg in padmasana.
In this recording we are diving into variations and possible approaches to this asana on the new level 2 of Iyengar Yoga in order to learn and study on a deeper level.
"Short Dive Into..." by Claudia Lamas C., is a serie of recordings focusing on asanas of the new Level 2 syllabus of the Iyengar Yoga System.The sequences shown here are leading towards certain asanas of that group, including asanas from level 1 and other level 2 asanas.
What you will learn: Yoga asana sequencing towards one specific asana. Grouping asanas on various levels, possible focus points of an asana. How to work in a pose, towards a pose and with a pose.
Props needed:
-1 belt
-1 yoga mat
-1 chair
wall space
Suitable for Iyengar Yoga Students with minimum 1,5-2 years regular iyengar yoga practice.
Über den Trainer/Lehrer
Claudia's teaching is precise, powerful and dynamic. Her motto: Live happily, practice your yoga joyfully - healthier, more powerful and happier through yoga. Claudia: I started yoga at the Yogazentrum Akazienhof with Renate Ockel, whose lifelong enthusiasm, curiosity and profound joy for the subject motivates and influences me to this day. Since 2018 I have been a certified Iyengar Yoga teacher, trained at the Iyengar Yoga Institute Berlin, actively supported by my mentors Katrin Voigt and Elizabeth Brass, founders of the Iyengar Yoga Centre in Berlin-Schöneberg. For the last four years I have been learning in addition with Uday Bhosale, Jayne Orton and Gabriella Giubilaro.