Videothek Introducing Solids - Video on demand

Introducing Solids - Video on demand

Introducing Solids
66 min
Alle Level
Gravidamiga - pregnancy & babies
Verfügbarkeit nach Kauf
12 Monate
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39,00 €Einzelticket


This is a video-on-demand course about Introducing solids. If you cannot attend in our LIVE Workshop via ZOOM this is your chance to learn more about this important topic.

Healthy solid food for your baby in the 1st year during breast - and/or bottle feeding.

Food is a very emotional topic and different for every person and in each culture.

In this course we will give you the general guidelines of how to start solids with your baby.

In the end this is up to you and your general understanding of nutrition on how you apply these guidelines.

You will figure out:

what healthy and balanced solid food means

when is your baby ready for solid food

how to start with solid food

fingerfood and baby-led-weaning (BLW)

You will get a roadmap how to start with solid food until the end of the 1st year and wean from the breastfeeding at the same time.

At the end you receive a handout & flyers with the major take-aways from the workshop & a shopping guide for German products.

Über den Trainer/Lehrer

Hi ! I am Kira ❤ ❤ - openhearted, honest, outgoing and friendly - ❤ ❤ married and a mother of 2 . ❤ ❤ „You are not alone“ – we want to give you the support you need, especially during this very special time - being pregnant, giving birth and raising your children in a different country with a language you do not speak. We want to make you feel safe. *************************************************************************************************** Within Gravidamiga, I teach (pre- and post-natal) Yoga, Postpartum Recovery, Outdoor Fitness and would love to support you to keep moving during your pregnancy and after giving birth. Plus I run part of the Workhops having undergone a lot of educations for each workshop, broadening my knowledge constantly. ************************************************************************************************** Apart from groups, you can also book me for personal appointments / consultations /trainings - in person and online. ************************************************************************************************** Due to my wealth of knowledge, you can ask me about anything plus I have lots of valuable connections to share - just ask ! ************************************************************************************************** More information on Health Coaching, Nutrition and Movement: Discover yourself - Health Coaching, Yoga, Pilates and more *************************************************************************************************** I am looking forward to meeting you! ❤ You can contact me directly ❤ ❤ Kira xxx