Videothek Invert Technique Talk 1.0 - With PDF

Invert Technique Talk 1.0 - With PDF

60 min
Alle Level
CurlyPole Movement
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I am so excited to be sharing this Video with you!

In the Invert Technique Video we are going to look at the invert in all its details. An Invert is not a basic trick at all, so we are going to look at the whole motion and will talk about the things that can be challenging, the technique we want to have, how to spot common mistakes and how to train & improve your individual Invert with specific exercises.

Additionally to the video you will also get a detailed PDF Guide. You will find the time stamps on each page so you know which part of the video the page is referring to. In the guide you will have pictures and cues for the most important parts of the video and it is meant for you to work with and come back to the most important parts even after you have watched the video.

Here is the Link to the PDF

The Password will be shown in the fist seconds of the Video.

If you have any questions or Feedback on the Video always let me know, I am more than happy to help you!

You will also find some encouraging words in the PDF and the Video because you should always be proud of your achievements and of every single step you are taking towards your goals! Training for pole is not a sprint and you are doing this for YOU! Take your time and enjoy the journey!

Lots of Love
