Videothek "Spiritual Warrior international – Mississippi Slang" – MED/OPEN – 60min

"Spiritual Warrior international – Mississippi Slang" – MED/OPEN – 60min

Jivamukti Yoga
60 min
YOGALOFT – Gärtnerplatz
Kali Empl (engl.)
Verfügbarkeit nach Kauf
7 Tage
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5,95 €Einzelticket
590,00 €2025 1/2 Weihnachts-Jahreskarte 2024/2025
1.108,00 €2025 Weihnachts-Jahreskarte 2024/2025
1.216,00 €Jahreskarte


Der 60minütige Klassiker beinhaltet in einer Stunde alles, was du vom Jivamukti-Unterricht kennst: Aufwärmen, Chant, Intention, Sonnengrüße, stehende Haltungen, Vor- und Rückbeugen, Umkehrhaltungen. Meditation und Savasana. Die Sequenz ist nach wenigen Malen intuitiv zu erfassen, weshalb wir sie nu auch in verschiedenen Sprachen und Dialekten anbieten ;-)

Über den Trainer/Lehrer

Through university studies including a business degree from the University of Houston and another in fashion illustration & design from the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, I would take yoga classes at gyms & yoga studios, always viewing the classes as just another form of exercise. However, I had no idea how deep it could get and what comfort and sustenance I could find there until I was somewhere in my thirties. I began to see that all the yoga I was doing was not exercise, but exorcise. It was bringing to my attention negative energy & behavior patterns inside myself and giving me the ability to let go of them. I felt more peace. I felt more freedom to be fully myself — with all the messy emotions and perceived imperfections. When I stumbled upon Jivamukti Yoga — in the form of a DVD borrowed from the library — it all came together and I heard a resounding “YES!” deep inside my heart. One thing I have gained from the yoga practices is a strong sense of connection — we have always been here, we always will be here, and are completely supported by an infinitely intelligent Universe of unconditional love. We just keep changing forms, ever-journeying along the path towards complete understanding. I recognize all life forms as holy beings of infinite potential and invite each of you reading this to resist the deceptive outer appearance of form & mental chatter, which only brings suffering to the practitioner, but instead, to remember Self, non-egoic limitless consciousness, using techniques of sense integration and dynamic actions of passionate self-inquiry, meditation and surrender. May peace and goodness prevail!