Reset, Refresh for a New Start into the New Year

Starts on Wednesday, 04/01/2023
Price 36.00 €


WORKSHOP DATE MOVED DUE TO SICKNESS: the new date is the 4th of January from 6.30 - 8.45pm

Reset, refresh, restart : new year ritual workshop

Another year just went by, and with that comes the new year! Are you also wondering how fast 2022 went by? It was a year full of emotions, highs and lows, as everything in life. When the new year comes, it is a great opportunity to look at the past year in retrospective, so you can best set your intentions for the new year, to give the new year meaning and purpose.


This workshop is a mix of yoga asanas, journaling and meditation - which will help you to:

  • Reset the past year to consciously let go of the old to make space for the new
  • Refresh your intentions to shape your experience in the new year
  • Restart as you allow yourself to let it be , setting your own rituals for the new year, so you can plant and water the seeds of your goals and dreams.

You will need your mat, a journal or paper for the workshop, as we will be going through some journaling exercises together!

No previous experience necessary.

Teacher :


Hi - I am Ana. Originally from Brazil, I have been living in Bonn since 2017. Yoga has changed my life completely and helped me go through the recovery of my broken femur, not only physically but mostly emotionally and spiritually. My spiritual journey started with energy healing meditations back in 2006, and meditation has been part of my life on and off. I am also a reiki giver :) Yoga has brought the matching pieces of ease in life together: body & mind connection through practicing yoga on and off the mat. Yoga for me is a forever self-discovery journey that I live every second, and that is exactly what I bring to my students while teaching. Yoga in postures, in breathwork, and in little actions in life. I am looking forward to connecting and guiding you in this beautiful journey of life through yoga :)


1.04/01/202318:30 - 20:45Acherstraße 26-28, 53111 BonnAna


Du kannst diesen Workshop bis 4 Tage vor Beginn kostenfrei stornieren

* All prices including VAT