Journey Through The Spine – Backbending Masterclass

Starts on Thursday, 19/01/2023
Price 32.00 €


Diese Klasse findet in der Wagmüllerstr. 21, 80538 München statt.

Level: Advanced

Lucie unterrichtet auf Englisch.

In this 2 hours Masterclass, we will focus on backbending postures through a Hatha / Vinyasa sequence. We will explore how the spine moves in all directions and how to uncover your spine flexibility. Lucie will guide you along this exploration to help you effectively improve your backbend practice. The sequence will also include mobility drills and more advanced variations will be offered.

About Lucie David:

Lucie is a Yoga teacher and energy worker, originally from Paris, France. She studied extensively with world known yoga teachers such as Simon Park, Chris Chavez, Jared Mccann, and legendary yogi Sri Dharma Mittra – her teachers’s teacher. She is now spending most of her time in New York City, studying under Sri Dharma Mittra’s guidance. Lucie has been offering Yoga classes in Paris and New York City, and she is regularly leading workshops and retreats - eventually worldwide. Lucie’s is skillfully blending the teachings she received from her core teachers to create well balanced classes. She is teaching a mix of Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa and Dharma Yoga. Her teachings are both phisically and spiritually transformative and uplifting. Lucie is generously sharing her love for the practice of Yoga and her joyfull positive energy is communicative.

Die Stunde findet in der Wagmüllerstr. 21, 80538 München statt.

Melde dich über Eversports für die Klasse an und erscheine pünktlich, ca. 10 Min vor Beginn der Klasse in der Wagmüllerstr. 21, 80538 München. Die Wegbeschreibung findest du auf unserer Website Die Türe öffnet ca. 15 Minuten vor Beginn der Klasse und schließt pünktlich zu Beginn der Stunde. Bitte bring deine eigene Matte & dein eigenes Trinken mit. Ab 03.04.2022 entfällt die Maskenpflicht und der Nachweis von 3G.

18.30 - 20.30 // 48h vor Beginn der Aktivität stornierbar.

Teacher :

No picture available


1.19/01/202318:30 - 20:30Wagmüllerstraße 21, 80538 MünchenLucie


48h vor Beginn der Aktivität stornierbar.

* All prices including VAT