Starts on Wednesday, 07/08/2024
Price from 45.00 €



with Maciej Sado

07.08.–, 19:45–21:45

Day 1: Habits and the Virtual Space

Day 2: Voice and Its Embodiment

Day 3: Dancing with Objects

Join us in this space. Move faster than you think. What do you observe? What types of dance exist inherently in the body, and what kinds can be designed through close observation of habits? How can we extend the actual space beyond the physical space, using imagination as inspiration to influence our bodies? How can we deepen our connection with our voices? Embody them. Does our voice represent us, connecting deeply to the personal, or can it relate to other bodies or imaginations? How do objects dance with us? What information, history, and qualities do they carry? How can our bodies merge or relate to these objects? How do they become part of our movement or dance?

In this three-day workshop, we will explore these questions to delve into three distinct aspects of improvisation and movement research. No previous experience is needed. The tasks we will undertake will offer various levels of difficulty, allowing participants to choose based on their experience. At the end of each day, we will have an extended open improvisation session related to the day's focus, followed by a feedback session to collect and discuss our findings.

Maciej Sado is a choreographer, dramaturge, curator, and dancer. Graduated from choreography at SNDO (School for New Dance Development) in Amsterdam in 2016 and from medicine at the Medical University in Wrocław in 2012. As a queer person himself, in his work, he investigates the concept of obliqueness to challenge theatrical conventions and question the usual perspective in order to enter in-between spaces, the uncanny within heteronormative/the patriarchal, etc. In 2021 he started the Patriarchs Anonymous group, a research and social project to look together for queer alternatives to patriarchal masculinities. He performs/ performed for artists like Ola Maciejewska, Florentina Holzinger & Vincent Riebeek, Tino Sehgal, Peaches, Fernando Belfiore, Laima Jaunzema, and Colette Sadler. His latest works were presented during the festivals in Spain, Belgium, Poland, Austria, Germany, and The Netherlands. He has been a member of the KuLe collective in Berlin since 2019 and a co-curator of the Mandala Performance Festival in Wrocław, Poland. More information: http://cargocollective.com/maciejsado


1.07/08/202419:45 - 21:45Wallstraße 32, 10179 Berlinnot specified
2.08/08/202419:45 - 21:45Wallstraße 32, 10179 Berlinnot specified
3.09/08/202419:45 - 21:45Wallstraße 32, 10179 Berlinnot specified


Workshops and Performance Projects:
In case of cancellation, we will refund the entire workshop fee up to 14 days before the workshop begins.Up to 3 days before the workshop begins we will refund 50% of the workshop fee.Later than this we do not refund any fees. The booking can alternatively be transferred to another person.

* All prices including VAT