SP24: BEING IN CONTACT with Karthik Rajmohan

Starts on Saturday, 27/07/2024
Price from 45.00 €


Dive into the core principles of contact improvisation and its dynamics in a shared space. Explore gravity, momentum and inertia while developing a relationship with the floor and other bodies.

Tuning into the functions of the different joints in our body and their relationship to the spine, we learn how to move seamlessly through different pathways and movement qualities. Using contact to generate momentum through spiralling, sliding and falling. How to ride through lifts by allowing our reflexes to take over? How to safely take or give weight so we are not afraid to take risks? 

Over the weekend we will not only sharpen our technical skills but also compositional skills through listening, somatic communication and engaging our range of attention from spatial to skin levels. Expand our perception to include all bodies in space. Understanding how every moment is relational and how collective agreement can empower our sense of interconnectedness. We allow our bodies to fall beyond conscious choice so that we can readily support our co-creative dances that emerge from simply being present. 

This workshop is open for all levels of experience. An opportunity to develop a body that is spatially agile and ready to flow in and out of contact.



Karthik Rajmohan is a dancer, musician and yoga practitioner. He holds a diploma (2011) from Attakkalari-Centre for movement arts (Bangalore, India) where he studied various styles of contemporary dance, kalaripayattu, bharatanatyam, ballet, body conditioning and anatomy. During dance school he was introduced to Contact Improvisation and Instant Composition, which soon became his main focus and defined the next years. He has worked with several dance companies, arts collectives and social organisations in India and Europe, while developing a teaching practice. 


1.27/07/202415:00 - 19:00Wallstraße 32, 10179 Berlinnot specified
2.28/07/202415:00 - 19:00Wallstraße 32, 10179 Berlinnot specified


Workshops and Performance Projects:
In case of cancellation, we will refund the entire workshop fee up to 14 days before the workshop begins.Up to 3 days before the workshop begins we will refund 50% of the workshop fee.Later than this we do not refund any fees. The booking can alternatively be transferred to another person.

* All prices including VAT