SP24: BECOMING MUSIC (weissmann technique)

Starts on Monday, 22/07/2024
Price from 15.00 €


The weissmann workshop BECOMING MUSIC, dives deep into a well-rounded dance experience that addresses all aspects of the dancing artist. Through a holistic approach, attention is given to the physical, emotional, creative, and spiritual facets of being a moving artist. These layers serve each other to promote a well-rounded dancer.

The class starts with yoga poses to arrive and ground. Awareness is placed on the breath to bring the dancer's attention to their instrument, setting the tone for a mindful practice as an individual and for the collective. The class continues with technical exercises in the weissmann style, these phrases explore all spatial levels, and a variety of qualities while warming the body from the inside out. The weissmann technique offers the dancer technical challenges, from its inherent roots in modern dance, and encourages an organic, defined flow in which the body can move uninhibitedly through space. Emphasis is placed on the intention of movement and how we direct our energy in time and space, to gravity and our relationship to the floor, and precision in musicality and dynamics.Live music is an essential element, creating a tapestry of melodic, electronic, and percussive sound that supports and inspires the dance.

Improvisation will weave throughout the class to explore some of the weissmann principles. The class is primarily learned material which builds into a final dynamic combination. Here is the opportunity to bridge connections between set material and personal interpretation that expands the dancer's artistry. This final phase provides a field of exploration where dancers can work more detailed as individuals, as well as celebrate the collective aspect of this art form, through our shared energy as a dance community.

Heidi and Emre have been working together for several years, and are very excited to offer this workshop BECOMING MUSIC to honour the partnership of music and dance.

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About Heidi Weiss

Heidi Weiss is a dancer, choreographer, and dance educator based in Berlin, Germany. She is an experienced teacher who has been dedicated to contemporary dance for over 27 years. Offering her explosive energy and passion for moving, she is well known in the Berlin scene and internationally, for her inspirational and motivational style of teaching.

About Emre Kesim

Emre Kesim is a contemporary dance accompanist, multi- instrumentalist and composer, based in Hannover/Germany. His technique is characterized by improvising with piano, percussion and voice simultaneously, creating the atmosphere that supports the dancers in their movement and expression. His current setup includes computer and synthesizers which allows him to use a wide range of sounds and live-looping techniques for daily professional contemporary dance training.


1.22/07/202418:00 - 20:00Wallstraße 32, 10179 Berlinnot specified
2.23/07/202418:00 - 20:00Wallstraße 32, 10179 Berlinnot specified
3.24/07/202418:00 - 20:00Wallstraße 32, 10179 Berlinnot specified
4.25/07/202418:00 - 20:00Wallstraße 32, 10179 Berlinnot specified
5.26/07/202418:00 - 20:00Wallstraße 32, 10179 Berlinnot specified


Workshops and Performance Projects:
In case of cancellation, we will refund the entire workshop fee up to 14 days before the workshop begins.Up to 3 days before the workshop begins we will refund 50% of the workshop fee.Later than this we do not refund any fees. The booking can alternatively be transferred to another person.

* All prices including VAT