Cancellation conditions
16/12/2024 - 22/12/2024
Mo., 16/12
- 09:00 ● 60 MinSOFTYOGA - HathaStyle STUDIOAll levelsmore than 5 spots
- 10:30 ● 60 MinGRAND YOGA - SeniorenYoga (STUDIO)Beginnermore than 5 spots
Tu., 17/12
- 08:00 ● 30 MinMagic Morning WAKE UP YOGA 30min (online)Intermediatemore than 5 spots
We., 18/12
Th., 19/12
Fr., 20/12
- 09:00 ● 60 MinHELLO SUNSHINE - Happy Yoga (STUDIO)Intermediatemore than 5 spots
- 09:00 ● 60 MinHappy Yoga (online)Intermediatemore than 5 spots
Sa., 21/12
- 08:00 ● 900 MinBESINNLICHE WEIHNACHTEN - Lasst es gemütlich angehen!sold out
Su., 22/12
- 17:30 ● 60 MinSUPER SOFT YOGA feel good (STUDIO)All levelsmore than 5 spots
- 19:00 ● 60 MinSOFT FLOW - moonlight (STUDIO)Intermediatemore than 5 spots
- 18:30 ● 75 MinSIMPLY YOGA - be unique (online) 75minCancelled
- 18:30 ● 75 MinSIMPLY YOGA - be unique (STUDIO) 75minCancelled
- 17:30 ● 60 MinPOWER & PEACE (Studio)All levelsmore than 5 spots
- 19:00 ● 60 MinENERGY YOGA - AsanaFIRE (STUDIO)more than 5 spots
- 17:30 ● 90 MinHEALTH & STRETCH & NIDRA 90minAll levelsmore than 5 spots
- 17:30 ● 90 MinHealth & Stretch & Nidra (online)All levelsmore than 5 spots
- 17:30 ● 60 MinSUPER SOFT YOGA feel good (STUDIO)All levelsmore than 5 spots
- 19:00 ● 60 MinSOFT FLOW - moonlight (STUDIO)Intermediatemore than 5 spots
Mo., 16/12
- 09:00 ● 60 MinSOFTYOGA - HathaStyle STUDIOAll levelsmore than 5 spots
- 10:30 ● 60 MinGRAND YOGA - SeniorenYoga (STUDIO)Beginnermore than 5 spots
- 18:30 ● 75 MinSIMPLY YOGA - be unique (online) 75minCancelled
- 18:30 ● 75 MinSIMPLY YOGA - be unique (STUDIO) 75minCancelled
Tu., 17/12
- 08:00 ● 30 MinMagic Morning WAKE UP YOGA 30min (online)Intermediatemore than 5 spots
- 17:30 ● 60 MinPOWER & PEACE (Studio)All levelsmore than 5 spots
- 19:00 ● 60 MinENERGY YOGA - AsanaFIRE (STUDIO)more than 5 spots
We., 18/12
Th., 19/12
- 17:30 ● 90 MinHEALTH & STRETCH & NIDRA 90minAll levelsmore than 5 spots
- 17:30 ● 90 MinHealth & Stretch & Nidra (online)All levelsmore than 5 spots
Fr., 20/12
- 09:00 ● 60 MinHELLO SUNSHINE - Happy Yoga (STUDIO)Intermediatemore than 5 spots
- 09:00 ● 60 MinHappy Yoga (online)Intermediatemore than 5 spots
Sa., 21/12
- 08:00 ● 900 MinBESINNLICHE WEIHNACHTEN - Lasst es gemütlich angehen!sold out
Su., 22/12
* All prices including VAT