Starts on Saturday, 07/09/2024
Price 1,008.00 €


Yoga IS Meditation. Without Meditation, it is not possible to receive the full gift of practice, nor understand the brilliance and power of our own incredible mind. This is the timeless gift of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra – considered Yoga Shastra – the final authority on Yoga. 


In this Master Training, we will not only break down the hidden teachings within the Yoga Sutra, including the extraordinary Meditation and Yoga Nidra techniques encrypted within its pages, but also put in place a powerful, time-tested strategy for your own evolutionary daily Meditation practice. The Yoga Sutra is something that must be PRACTICED in order to be fully understood.

This Master Training is one of the core modules of The Practice’s 300hr Advanced Teacher Training. These hours contribute towards 300hr certification, however all students are welcome to attend this training. It is open to all dedicated practitioners.  

Course will cover:


* Development of a highly efficient and dependable daily Meditation practice, as taught by ancient Masters such as Patanjali and Buddha

* Learn how to access your inner field of innate joy, wisdom and fulfillment

* Cultivate tools to move beyond anxiety, worry, stress and fear

* Learn the truth about Enlightenment and Samadhi

* Discover Patanjali – the man, the myth and the master 

* Learn Raja Yoga - the ultimate Meditation technique 

* Learn powerhouse Yoga Nidra techniques for improving cognition, healing, transformation and strengthening will power 

* Study the value of discipline and devotion in the context of practice 

* Learn Madhu Vidya, the Science of ‘Honey’, as secretly taught in the Yoga Sutra

* Learn how to use Asana to support your Meditation Practice

* Learn how to use Pranayama to support your Meditation Practice

* Learn how to use Mantra Japa to support your Meditation Practice

* Plus, teachings on Karma, the mind, the Soul and the purpose of a human life

The course will be led by Octavio and Emma Salvado – two dedicated, lineage-based Yogis and the founders and owners of The Practice – a leading educational institution in Bali committed to keeping traditional Yoga alive.

Teacher :

Octavio Salvado

Octavio and Emma Salvado – two dedicated, lineage-based Yogis and the founders and owners of The Practice – a leading educational institution in Bali committed to keeping traditional Yoga alive.


1.07/09/202417:30 - 19:30Amiraplatz 3, 80333 MünchenOctavio Salvado
2.08/09/202408:30 - 18:30Amiraplatz 3, 80333 MünchenOctavio Salvado
3.09/09/202408:30 - 18:30Amiraplatz 3, 80333 MünchenOctavio Salvado
4.10/09/202408:30 - 18:30Amiraplatz 3, 80333 MünchenOctavio Salvado
5.11/09/202408:30 - 18:30Amiraplatz 3, 80333 MünchenOctavio Salvado
6.12/09/202408:30 - 18:30Amiraplatz 3, 80333 MünchenOctavio Salvado
7.13/09/202408:30 - 18:30Amiraplatz 3, 80333 MünchenOctavio Salvado


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