Dancing Deep with Binder, Anna Rampf & Julia Kupke

Starts on Friday, 30/08/2024
Price 20.00 €


We're happy to create a contemplative movement practice for you, that is guided through sound music and dance.

Binder will join us in Munich as a guest for our Strala Yoga training. He'll offer a Deep Dance session, that allows you to immerse yourself into the world of sound and dance, to connect to body, mind and soul. This practice is not about looking good while dancing or creating a certain shape. It allows you to let yourself be moved by your breath, by music and what is present.

"You do not have to be good. ... You just have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves." Mary Oliver

Binder, Anna and Julia know each other as colleagues from festivals and appreciate the work they're doing and the fields in which there are points of intersection in their scope of work.

You can either join us for a relaxed Yoga class before (5pm, find the class in the Eversports schedule), gather in community during dinner break or just join for the dance, starting at 7pm.

Deep Dance invites you as a free-form dance practice, where we'll gather to dance to music and sound without the need of following certain instructions or forms.

About Binder

In 2015 I was diagnosed with cancer and it inspired me to let go and open up to a new path in life, including the kind of music I would make. At the time I was a club dj and I decided move into being in places and gatherings that were more aligned with my core. 

Over the past several years I’m am humbled to have had the chance to offer dance journeys around Europe for incredible gatherings, and I’m looking forward to what evolves as we collectively embark up on a new path of empowerment together. 

For a long time dance and connecting in community has been a potent medicine, and with what is unfolding in our world, one thing that has gotten even more clear to me is that gathering together in spaces that seek to empower one another is especially important for us during these times of great shifts. 

With my understanding of how powerful a medicine music and dance can be, I am guiding dance and sound journeys that can open up the doors of wisdom through sound and dance, so we can tune into a space of co-creation and empowerment to uplift one another.




To create a conscious experience together, there are a few guidelines to consider:
- no talking on the dancefloor
- respect for the space of others
- no phones
- no shoes
- no smoke
- no drugs

Come in comfortable clothes, something that allows you to move easily. There will be water and tea at the venue, please bring a drinking bottle.

When: 30th of August 2024, 19.00 - 22.15 Uhr
Where: Munich, Ya Wali, Kirchenstr. 15, Haidhausen

“They say to dance like nobody is watching. I think that implies that we are afraid or ashamed to dance in front of the people. I say dance like everybody is watching. Dance like your children are watching, your ancestors, your family. Dance for those who are hurting, those who can’t dance, those who lost loved ones and those who suffer injustices throughout the world. Let every step be a prayer for humanity! Most of all dance for the Creator, who breathed into your soul so you may celebrate this gift of life!” - Supaman


Stornierung bis 8 Wochen vor Eventbeginn: 80% Erstattung
Stornierung bis 4 Wochen vor Eventbeginn: 60% Erstattung
Stornierung ab 4 Wochen vor Eventbeginn: keine Erstattung

Bei Ausfall kannst du deinen Platz alternativ auch an eine andere Person übertragen. In diesem Fall entsteht eine Bearbeitungsgebühr in Höhe von 10%.


1.30/08/202419:00 - 22:15Ya Wali | Kirchenstraße 15, 81675 Münchennot specified



Stornierung bis 8 Wochen vor Eventbeginn: 80% Erstattung
Stornierung bis 4 Wochen vor Eventbeginn: 60% Erstattung
Stornierung ab 4 Wochen vor Eventbeginn: keine Erstattung

Bei Ausfall kannst du deinen Platz alternativ auch an eine andere Person übertragen. In diesem Fall entsteht eine Bearbeitungsgebühr in Höhe von 10%.


* All prices including VAT