Kurz & Kompakt - Einführung in die Nyingma Meditation - live und online - 2024

Online stream
Starts on Wednesday, 10/01/2024
Price from 0.00 €


Einführung in die Nyingma Meditation live und online
Meditation ist ein natürlicher Ausdruck menschlichen
Seins. Wir erfahren Meditation, indem wir lernen, uns
selbst zuzuhören und Körper und Sinne zu entspan-
nen. Hierzu lernen wir Techniken kennen wie Kum Nye
Yoga-Übungen, die Kraft des Atems, Mantra-Singen
und das Sitzen in Stille.

Online stream

There is an online stream available for this activity. To participate, take the following steps:

  • This studio uses Zoom as their online streaming provider. Download the according app to your laptop, tablet or smartphone
  • Access to the online livestream is available 15 minutes before the start of the activity. Simply go to "My bookings" and click on "Join online stream now" to be redirected to the corresponding page
  • With some streaming providers (e.g. Zoom) it is possible for participants to see each other. However, it is theoretically possible to deactivate the camera function. The name you enter when entering the online meeting room is displayed to other participants. However, you can always change your name (e.g. only the initials). Please note: Individual rules for online participation may apply for each class or venue.

Trainer :

No picture available
Helmuth Czekalla


1.10/01/202420:15 - 21:45online + Siebachstraße 66, 50733 KölnHelmuth Czekalla
2.17/01/202420:15 - 21:45online + Siebachstraße 66, 50733 KölnHelmuth Czekalla
3.24/01/202420:15 - 21:45online + Siebachstraße 66, 50733 KölnHelmuth Czekalla
4.31/01/202420:15 - 21:45online + Siebachstraße 66, 50733 KölnHelmuth Czekalla

* All prices including VAT