Conscious Connected Breathwork for Forgiveness with Zarah

Starts on Friday, 02/08/2024
Price 40.00 €


To forgive is to strengthen our self esteem, inner power, cultivate freedom and happiness. 

Forgiving is a powerful tool for healing and vitally important to anyone who has been victimised. By moving through and letting go of feelings of resentment, judgement, condemnation, anger and revenge we are left with a choice to consciously transform our attitudes and behaviour. The path is not easy, it requires us to dig deep and that is why it is important to start.

Conscious Connected breath allows us to go deep and connect to the source. This breathing technique without pauses between inhale and exhale, creates a powerful circuit of energy within the body to help with the renewal process which is often halted due to incorrect breathing.

We learn to clean out the physical body and mind, letting go of old and trapped emotions and stagnant energy. Deep release, heightened awareness, clarity and profound states of inner peace are some of bi-products of this techniques along with the many physical benefits.

The breath is the most simple thing that we do conscious control over. Come and experience the practice and learn how cultivating this relationship can have a profound impact on your life.

Zarah Bio

Always fascinated at the grace and intelligence of the human body and guided by Spirit, Zarah has explored movement through yoga and dance for over 20 years. She completed her first Yoga TTC in London, going on to travel and further her learning in India with intensive studies of Astanga Vinyasa, Hatha, Pranayama and Indian Philosophy and various forms of bodywork and energy healing. She has also studied and practices Integrative Breathwork which incorporates breath awareness and conscious breathing for healing, growth, personal awakening and transformation.

Zarah greatest source of inspiration is the breath which you will feel in her classes. A companion to unearth the depths of our being, a way to strip back the layers into our most authentic version and a path to cultivating balance of body and mind, to shine light on the infinite potential within...

Trainer :

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1.02/08/202418:00 - 21:00Wilmersdorfer Straße 98, 10629 BerlinZarah


Please make sure to cancel 3 days before he event happens.

* All prices including VAT