Yogaplus Studio Mainz

Yoga+ Flow Dance (engl.) - WINTER SPECIAL -

So., 15.12.2024 •10:30 - 12:00 • 90 Min.
Yogaplus Studio Mainz

Flow-Dance – Im Rhythmus der Vorweihnachtszeit

Erlebe in der Adventszeit einen besonderen Flow-Dance, bei dem dynamische Bewegungen und meditative Elemente zu einem harmonischen Tanz verschmelzen. Im ständigen Fluss der Bewegung schulen wir das Bewusstsein für den eigenen Körper und seine Ausdruckskraft.

Was erwartet Dich?

In dieser Flow-Dance-Session wirst du durch eine Abfolge von fließenden, sanften Bewegungen geführt, die deinem Körper ein ganzheitliches Workout bieten. Es geht darum, deinen Körper aktiv zu erleben und dich gleichzeitig kreativ auszudrücken. Flow-Dance stärkt deine Beweglichkeit, Koordination und Kraft, während du dich frei und ohne Einschränkungen bewegen kannst.

Flow-Dance ist mehr als nur Tanz – es ist ein Improvisationsstil, der dir erlaubt, deinen eigenen Weg in der Bewegung zu finden und dich dabei selbst neu zu entdecken.

Vorkenntnisse brauchst du keine – nur Freude an der Bewegung und die Neugier, dich selbst neu zu erleben!

Moderner Tanz Klasse
YP Studio Raum 1 / offline
Alle Levels




Hi, I had a childhood in the USA, and adulthood in Europe so I have been influenced by a mix of many different cultural systems. I was lucky to be a student of wonderful teachers in my hometown and then finish off as a scholar student in the San Francisco Ballet school. Spending my entire childhood training to be a dancer led to an ambition to make it in a dance company a bit further away. I had become enamored of the idea of going to Europe and at 18yrs with a lot of support from my family I took off from home and ended being for more than 30 years a professional dancer exclusively in Germany and Switzerland. My very first engagement was, to my big surprise, a world famous ballet company in Hamburg, Germany. But as the 'School of Life' goes I realized at some point that it actually wasn't the right fit for me and although it was an intriguing world of its own, I decided that I needed to change. After a complete break from dance at the age of 21yrs, I took a deep dive into metaphysical studies and energy work. This lasted two years and was the first trumpet call to make big changes in my perspective. But I felt a strong drive to dance again and the need to explore more possibilities in the dance world, so I went back on a different track. I chose to work in dance Companies where the dancers' interpretation and individual creation of material for the different themes contributed to the final production of the pieces being produced by the choreographers and theaters. This was my true element and Germany excels at setting up the perfect platform for "Zeitgennossische" dance companies. German theaters attract dancers from all over the world and is a huge presence in the dance world. In this regard, I had the privilege of learning many different ways to dance and how to work with the body while moving. I was able to hone skills and, of course, develop a stage presence that opened doors for me and allowed me to see things from a slightly different angle than most folks. After a long career working as a professional dancer, I felt inspired to give over some of that experience to anyone curious about another way to dance or even another way to do physical exercise. Dance and movement is part of the human culture and anyone can move their body. The classes that I have built up are just that. A perfect combination of some of the best techniques dancers use to get their bodies going and simple concepts to get people to enjoy moving.


22,00 €
155,00 €
10er Karte - Studio & Online -
275,00 €
20er Karte - Studio & Online -


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So., 15.12.2024 •10:30 - 12:00 • 90 Min.
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