Jivamukti Yoga Roots Hamburg

Jivamukti Open XL: The External Spiral of the Femur Bone (VOR ORT)

Sa., 28.9.2024 •17:30 - 19:30 • 120 Min.

Explore deep hip flexibility and strength with our External Spiral of the Femur Bone class, focusing on poses that open and engage the muscles responsible for external rotation. Through a variety of seated, standing, and supine postures, you'll release tension, improve mobility, and enhance alignment. This class is suitable for all levels, with modifications provided to ensure a safe and supportive practice.

OLehrer:inOlga & Mitch
Yoga Klasse
Alle Levels


25,00 €
Drop-in VOR ORT
30,00 €
Drop-in Masterclass
125,00 €
1 Monat unlimited (ONLINE & VOR ORT gültig)


Stornierungen sind online auf Eversports bis zu 24 Stunden vor Beginn möglich.
Sa., 28.9.2024 •17:30 - 19:30 • 120 Min.
wir verwendenEversports