The YOGA Studio

Follow your Nature - 300hr Advanced YTT

Fr., 7.2.2025 •17:00 - 20:00 • 180 Min.
The YOGA Studio

Follow Your Nature 300 Stunden Yoga Teacher Training | Advanced Course

Modern, aufgeklärt, und fundiert - unsere 300hr Ausbildung gibt Dir den Raum authentisch, tiefer in die verschiedenen Bereiche des Yoga und des Unterrichtens einzutauchen - ganz in Deinem eigenen Rhythmus.

  • Februar 2025 bis Juli 2026
  • Sprache: Deutsch
  • Yoga Alliance Certified als +300h Training
  • Basis für die Zulassung für Krankenkassenkurse der ZPP
  • Modularer Aufbau (Pflichtmodule & Wahlmodule)
  • Präsenzausbildung unterstützt mit Video Materialien (bspw für Anatomie)
  • Lead Trainer: Maxi Winde
  • Weitere Lehrer: Timo Brückner, Lauren von Steuben, Kim Neufend, Redschi, Claudia Huber, Karo Ziomek, Felicia Nass

Reserviere Deinen Platz in unserem 300h Modul über Eversports (0 EUR Ticket). Die Zahlung und Auswahl der Pflichtmoduloptionen erfolgt im Anschluss.

Geplante Pflichtmodule 180h (8 Wochenenden)

Inhalte: Jedes Pflichtmodul wird innerhalb von 18 Monaten 2x angeboten - du wählst frei welchen Termin Du besuchen möchtest. Die Module müssen nicht hintereinander besucht werden.

  • M1: Yoga Between the Lines - Advanced Teaching skills
  • M2: The Rhythm of Life - Advanced Sequencing
  • M3: Yoga Beyond the Asana - Creating and Holding space
  • M4: Follow your Nature - Advanced Didactics
  • M5: The Essence of Breath - Advanced Pranayama & Breathwork
  • M6: Form follows Function - Advanced Anatomy & Physiology
  • M7: Living Yoga - Yoga Philosophy applied
  • M8: Closing weekend

Geplante Wahlmodule (wähle mind.120h):

the Rhythm of Life

  • Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra (50h)
  • Pre/Postnatal (60h)
  • Restorative Yoga for the Nervous System (32h)

Yoga Lifestyle

  • Elements Retreat (20h)
  • Silent Yoga Retreat (15h)
  • Ayurveda x Yoga (27h)
  • Female Health x Yoga (30h)

Beyond the Asana

  • 1on1 Personal Yoga & Hands On (17h)
  • Mastering Breathwork & Pranayama (25h)
  • Yoga x Sound (30h)

Bereits besuchte the Yoga Studio bzw Yoga21 Yin Module werden angerechnet. Module anderer Schulen können auf Antrag angerechnet werden.

Erhalte unsere detaillierte Infobroschüre mit allen Terminen, Daten und Preisen. Schreibe dazu einfach eine kurze Email an

Yoga Ausbildung
mehr als 5




Maxine stands for modern Yoga which meets today’s needs. It’s a fusion of ancient Yoga knowledge, Ayurveda paired with recent insights and breakthroughs in neuroscience and fascia studies. For Maxine Yoga means rediscovering the natural rhythm of life and reconnecting to your inner nature. Maxine is known to guide students to become aware of the natural rhythm of the body and breath, and to explore the individual energy level day by day. This gives students of all levels the possibility to develop and grow on and off the mat. She teaches from her heart, sharing her own experiences with students from all around the world. Her classes reach from meditative, inwards focused Yin Yoga to strong, breath focused Vinyasa Flow Yoga classes.


Maxine is an experienced Yoga teacher, mentor and coach, based in Germany. She has received more than 2,000 hours of yoga training with her main influences being Shiva Rea (Prana Flow, USA), Patricia Thielemann (Spirit Yoga, Germany) and Jo Phee (Yin Yoga, Singapore) and Tias Little (Satya Yoga Therapy Training at Prajna Yoga). Maxine is accredited as E-RYT 500 teacher with Yoga Alliance and a Certified Professional Coach with CTI (CPCC).


0,00 €


All registrations are final and non-refundable. The spot is secured through payment of the entire fee. Teacher Training spots can be transferred to another candidate if you cannot participate. Due to the advanced notice required in arranging teacher trainings, changes are only possible if requested 2 weeks prior to the commencement of the training. In the event that a course or workshop is cancelled, registered students are eligible for a refund or may select an alternative and equally priced course or workshop option.

Fr., 7.2.2025 •17:00 - 20:00 • 180 Min.
wir verwendenEversports