Rediscovering Desire - a workshop with Sarah Olivia @ Flowing Moms
Rediscovering Desire - a workshop with Sarah Olivia @ Flowing Moms

Rediscovering Desire - a workshop with Sarah Olivia

Persönliches Coaching


@ Flowing Moms

Rediscovering Desire - a workshop with Sarah Olivia @ Flowing Moms
Rediscovering Desire - a workshop with Sarah Olivia @ Flowing Moms

Der Wunsch nach Verlangen - Dieser Workshop findet in englischer Sprache statt. Aber keine Sorge, Annika wird dabei sein und nicht nur Snacks und Schnittchen servieren, sondern bei Bedarf gerne dolmetschen ;o)

This workshop is for mothers who want to reconnect with, rediscover and reignite their desire and learn how to create even greater levels of pleasure and connection with themselves and their partner.

Sarah is an embodiment, pleasure and self-love coach and somatic healing guide who prides herself on holding beautifully safe and brave spaces.

Let’s join together to move through shame and step powerfully into our desire.

What you can expect from the workshop:

  • A variety of breath, movement and meditation practices (all clothed, all safe) to help you connect deeper to your womb’s wisdom, your sensuality and your pleasure
  • Interactive, practical deep dives into different models and concepts of female desire to help you understand and work with your unique blueprint
  •  Open, safe sharing circles to help us all remember: we’re not broken


  • I’m not a mum but am really interested, can I still come? Absolutely! There will naturally be conversations around motherhood but all of the exercises and learning will be relevant whether you’re a parent or not.
  • I’m really shy about this stuff! Will I feel embarrassed? I can’t guarantee there won’t be discomfort as this is a charged issue full of conditioning and shame for a lot of us. But we will move through it together and it’ll be very freeing.


Sonntag, 26. November 2023


10:00 - 14:00




Simrockstraße 7, 53113 Bonn



Sarah Olivia




(Noch keine Bewertungen)


Bitte beachte, dass wir für diesen Workshop auch Snacks und Getränke bereitstellen. Daher hilft uns eine Stornierungsfrist von zwei Tagen sehr bei unserer Planung.

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Rediscovering Desire - a workshop with Sarah Olivia


Sonntag, 26. November 2023


10:00 - 14:00


Sarah Olivia
