Postpartum Recovery Course Sept/Oct in Person @ Gravidamiga - pregnancy & babies
Postpartum Recovery Course Sept/Oct in Person @ Gravidamiga - pregnancy & babies

Postpartum Recovery Course Sept/Oct in Person

Postpartum Recovery


@ Gravidamiga - pregnancy & babies

Postpartum Recovery Course Sept/Oct in Person @ Gravidamiga - pregnancy & babies
Postpartum Recovery Course Sept/Oct in Person @ Gravidamiga - pregnancy & babies

This is a 6 sessions course à 60 minutes/week and you will get homework & videos, too!

With focus on your pelvic floor and abdominal/core muscles this course will help you to reconnect with your body and to get back into shape. 

We will also have some short theoretical sessions to make you aware of the changes and what you can do support your body & your soul.

Of course here is also time for any question in this secure space.

We would like to encourage you to try and participate regularly & also to integrate some exercises into your daily routine to ensure a good recovery from your pregnancy & birth.

This course encourages accountability and we recommend to follow this up by the Mama Workout course for a stable recoveryPlease check in with your OBGYN before attending. 

The course can be attended at the earliest 6 weeks after delivery and should be completed when the baby is around one year. So take your time and start when you are ready and feel like it.

This course is not supported by the German Health Insurance. Please read more here.


Beginnt am Donnerstag, 12. September 2024

Mehrere Termine


Kirchheimer Straße 32, 70619 Stuttgart





Hi ! I am Kira ❤ ❤ - openhearted, honest, outgoing and friendly - ❤ ❤ married and a mother of 2 . ❤ ❤ „You are not alone“ – we want to give you the support you need, especially during this very special time - being pregnant, giving birth and raising your children in a different country with a language you do not speak. We want to make you feel safe. *************************************************************************************************** Within Gravidamiga, I teach (pre- and post-natal) Yoga, Postpartum Recovery, Outdoor Fitness and would love to support you to keep moving during your pregnancy and after giving birth. Plus I run part of the Workhops having undergone a lot of educations for each workshop, broadening my knowledge constantly. ************************************************************************************************** Apart from groups, you can also book me for personal appointments / consultations /trainings - in person and online. ************************************************************************************************** Due to my wealth of knowledge, you can ask me about anything plus I have lots of valuable connections to share - just ask ! ************************************************************************************************** More information on Health Coaching, Nutrition and Movement: Discover yourself - Health Coaching, Yoga, Pilates and more *************************************************************************************************** I am looking forward to meeting you! ❤ You can contact me directly ❤ ❤ Kira xxx


Holistic Health Coach & (pre- and post-natal) Trainer Yoga (pre- & postnatal), Pilates, Postnatal Recovery & Personal Training


Im Checkout kannst du ein Ticket wählen um an Terminen dieser Aktivität teilzunehmen






10:45 - 11:45

Kirchheimer Straße 32, 70619 Stuttgart



10:45 - 11:45

Kirchheimer Straße 32, 70619 Stuttgart



10:45 - 11:45

Kirchheimer Straße 32, 70619 Stuttgart



10:45 - 11:45

Kirchheimer Straße 32, 70619 Stuttgart



10:45 - 11:45

Kirchheimer Straße 32, 70619 Stuttgart



10:45 - 11:45

Kirchheimer Straße 32, 70619 Stuttgart




(Noch keine Bewertungen)



(1) Upon conclusion of this contract, Gravidamiga Pregnancy & Babies GbR is entitled to charge the full fees for the booked services and the customer is obliged to pay the invoice amount.
(2) Invoices for individual services will be issued based on the actual number of hours involved. The time will be charged as agreed upon in this Agreement. 
(3) All services and expenses are included in the fee. Expenses incurred by GRAVIDAMIGA – PREGNANCY & BABIES GBR at the instigation of the client, in particular, travel expenses, are to be reimbursed additionally subject to provision of proof. 
(4) If the client cannot attend a course or workshop due to a medical reason (subject to proof of a doctors confirmation), we will reimburse the course fee minus the registration fee (Workshops 5€, all other courses 20€). If you cancel for non medical reasons more than 30 days in advance, the registration fee is applicable, between 30-15 days in advance we require 50% of the course/workshop fee and any cancellation within two weeks before the course is subject to 100% of the total course/ workshop fee. A rebooking/rescheduling is always possible without additional costs.

Postpartum Recovery Course Sept/Oct in Person


Beginnt am Donnerstag, 12. September 2024

Mehrere Termine